Prosperous 2020

Hopefully by the time you read this, the fireworks will be over and the arrival of 2020 will have been celebrated in full.

A big thank you to all who decided that fireworks do NOT belong in our village. There were less than last year; and may that trend continue.

Now holidaymakers are returning home from around the country and preparing for the New Year and all it brings. With that comes the usual spike in crime. Keep in mind, as you enjoy the last of the festivities, that crime is always lurking and never rests.

My wish for this village in 2020 is that each and every person may find love, joy, happiness and success. May each dream come true, and may we love our neighbours as we do ourselves. May we find inspiring ways to work together as a collective and stand against crime and its impact on us and our loved ones.

To the HCPF team, for their unselfish willingness to jump in and get things done, I applaud and salute you.

The next Community Safety and Security meeting is on Tuesday, 14 January, at 18:30 for 19:00 to 20:00 at the O’Connor Hall, 2 Pretorius Street, Henley on Klip.

Prosperous 2020 to all.

HCPF Chairman
Marcel Esterhuysen


News: August 2021

In the last two months crime has been relatively quiet in our village.

Members of the HCPF show off the beanies knitted for patrollers by Drienie Naude (right)

News: June 2021

Exactly a year ago our reality was hard lockdown.

  • News: April 2021
  • News: March 2021
  • News: February 2021
  • News: January 2021
  • News: December 2020
  • News: November 2020
  • News: October 2020
  • News: September 2020