News: January 2021
Dear Residents
I wish everyone in Henley on Klip a happy and prosperous 2021. Thank you for your contributions over the last year. Difficult as it may have been, we as a community have achieved and overcome.
We had the highest number of home invasions in memory and crime was at an all-time high. Gender-based violence (GBV) is still a major issue, even in our village. The HCPF and SAPS can do nothing if the partner is not willing to lay charges and get a court interdict.
By now the New Year celebrations are over and we are all returning to work. By work, I mean, to get rid of Christmas weight gained, and to get our patrols ready for the inevitable crime surge as criminals will also be going back to work, although we did have our incidents this festive season. Remember the HCPF are all volunteers; we are not armed response. We look out for our neighbours and each other.
We assist SAPS by being “eyes and ears” and keeping them accountable for doing their work as mandated by our constitution.
HCPF general enquiries can be sent via SMS to 076 881 8437
Emergencies 081 813 3912
HCPF Chairman
Marcel Esterhuysen
News: August 2021
In the last two months crime has been relatively quiet in our village.
News: June 2021
Exactly a year ago our reality was hard lockdown.