News: March 2021

Community Police Forum

Dear Residents

How HCPF patrols Henley on Klip

A patroller is a vetted Henley Community Police Forum (HCPF) member who becomes the dedicated eyes and ears of the community, with a buddy, either in a vehicle or on foot, during his/her planned patrolling hours. Schedules are supplied daily on the HCPF Telegram Patrol group.

A patroller is not armed response – for the HCPF or anyone else.

We patrol within the generally accepted borders of Henley on Klip (HoK).

Any member of HCPF can patrol as often as they wish over and above the scheduled patrol roster.

What is an emergency?

An emergency is a situation in or outside the generally accepted borders of HoK where your own life, the life of a family member, or any other person or animal is under severe threat. It could also be a life-threatening situation you observe while walking or driving by.

How to report an emergency and what is required of you?

Spend a few crucial seconds/ minutes to observe what you are witnessing. Make sure you know exactly where you are. Stay calm. Make sure you are safe.

Call the emergency number. Speak clearly. Do not shout. Give exact details.

Answer questions as accurately as possible. Follow the instructions of the emergency phone operator. Observe constantly and make notes if you can.

HCPF general enquiries can be sent via SMS to 076 881 8437

Emergencies 081 813 3912 (Please note that you will be cut short if this is not an emergency as someone’s life could be in danger.)

HCPF Chairman

Marcel Esterhuysen


News: August 2021

In the last two months crime has been relatively quiet in our village.

Members of the HCPF show off the beanies knitted for patrollers by Drienie Naude (right)

News: June 2021

Exactly a year ago our reality was hard lockdown.

  • News: April 2021
  • News: February 2021
  • News: January 2021
  • News: December 2020
  • News: November 2020
  • News: October 2020
  • News: September 2020