News: November 2022

Dear Residents
The Henley Community Police Forum (HCPF) has informally declared November as “Awareness & Appreciate” month. We thought it fitting that we send a shout out to our community members who have been fundamental in helping the HCPF grow.
Our Eyes and Ears membership has expanded and our first target of 300 members has been reached. We have also had some “rookies” join our Patrol group; their positivity and eagerness to serve the community has been overwhelming and affirms our belief that together in numbers we can make a difference. However, being the idealist bunch we are, we still hope to fill up patrol cars and expand our Eyes and Ears platform. Join us: we have great coffee at the Henley Command Centre (HCC)!
Being “Appreciation” month, we have a special “neighbour” to thank … the one and only TJ. From all of us at HCPF and, we are sure, the community, we thank you for your selflessness, dedication and everything you do. You truly are the backbone of our operations and pillar of support to many. Your contribution to the radio base station at HCC is welcomed with gratitude and appreciation.
On the “Awareness” side, we urge our community to stay vigilant and take every precaution possible for home security and personal safety. Test your alarms, lock your gates and doors, have emergency numbers on hand and have a plan – whether for a break in, medical, fire or even a pet emergency. Include the kids in WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. We are approaching the festive season and there are opportunistic criminals out there; keep your guard up!
Closer to home, our first braai under the new lapa was awesome and there will be plenty more TAKE AWAY events, among others. A special thank you to Ian Franken for his generous donation towards our Boerie Braai; we really appreciate your support and all who donate towards our cause.
The funds raised will be allocated towards an inverter and solar panels to power up the HCC and the radio base station. This is an integral part of our daily operations and Eskom has not been our friend lately.
Food for thought: COMMUNITY SAFETY is about feeling SAFE, whether it be at home, in the street or at work … it is defined as promoting the concept of COMMUNITY-based action to inhibit and remedy the cause and consequence of criminal, intimidation and other related anti-social behaviour.
Please note the HCC will be open on Saturdays from 09:00-12:00.
Stay safe and be blessed.
Steve Endley
Meyerton CPF Constitution
Meyerton CPF Constitution as adopted by the Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum

First responders … why do they do it?
Why do they fly out halfway through dinner, green lights flashing, not knowing what they will encounter?