Chairman’s Report March 2023

Green Lights

February might be a short month, but it hasn’t been dull for patrollers and members of the Henley on Klip Community Police Forum (HCPF). If the focus has been more on “Community” than “Police”, that’s also a good thing.

Call-outs included a traffic accident; drunken driving; attempted suicide; domestic violence; a street brawl; assisting with an armed invasion next door to Orchards Academy (the children were safely evacuated); a small child abandoned at Home Grocery (she was well stuffed with sweeties by benefactors and HCPF volunteers before SAPS took over); an explosion that rocked the neighbourhood (traced to an enthusiast who tried to burn down a tree with a can of petrol) … never a dull moment in the HCPF! Thanks to all the Eyes and Ears members who participate on the communication channels.

Crime stats are rising with the theft of gate motors and other items (please take care, a padlock helps).

Loadshedding, of course, hits us as we need power to run our control centre. The solution is solar but that costs.

First step – thanks to Rotary for pledging part of their fundraising take from their annual Freedom Day family walk on April 27 to the HCPF. This was a great success last year, fun for the walkers (adults, children and dogs) and onlookers. The walk starts and ends at Fraser Park with boerie rolls and refreshments. More details next month.

Gigi White is running the Mr and Miss Henley on Klip beauty pageant at the About Time complex on April 2 and has pledged part of the profit. Our own Saturday pancake morning raised R2 438,98. Thanks for supporting us.

With the petrol price going up yet again it’s getting expensive to patrol. Foot and bicycle patrols are underway.

Please join our Eyes and Ears group, use the communication channels, and help to keep our community safe.

Steve Endley


Meyerton CPF Constitution

Meyerton CPF Constitution as adopted by the Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum

Green Lights

First responders … why do they do it?

Why do they fly out halfway through dinner, green lights flashing, not knowing what they will encounter?

  • Chairman’s Report April 2023
  • Chairman’s Report January 2023
  • Chairman’s Report December 2022
  • News: November 2022
  • Green Lights, serving the community
  • Help us to help you
  • News: August 2022