Catch up on what’s happening in your community.

The Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum (HCPF) is having a Community Safety and Security Meeting on Tuesday 11 February.

Prosperous 2020

Hopefully by the time you read this, the fireworks will be over and the arrival of 2020 will have been celebrated in full.

You’ve got this!

Not the usual safety tips.

HCPF Chairman Letter – 13 November 2019

A personal thanks to everyone.

Community Safety and Security Meeting

Catch up on what’s happening in your community.

Christmas Crime Shopping

With the season, come the criminals who prey on others.

Crime! What crime?

It couldn’t happen to me?

Hope and Personal Safety (October)

Catch up on what’s happening in your community.

Music makes the world go round

Party-goers in fancy dress turned out in numbers to the HCPF Boom Box – Musiek Pret fundraiser

Personal Safety Awareness Tips

Remain Alert, Aware and Vigilant