Let’s Make South Africa Safe


HCPF monthly meeting (June)

Catch up on what’s happening in your community.

Calling all HOTEL stations …

Your radio should be your best friend.

The Importance of Reporting a Crime

The South African Police Service (SAPS) needs to know what is happening.

Safety tips for women drivers

Women who drive alone, night or day, need to take extra precautions.

Green light volunteers

Without the CPF the traffic would have been backed up to Saloojees!

Chilly days and (hopefully) crime-free nights

Catch up on what’s happening in your community.

Coffee, Patrollers and Feedback

Worried about crime? – join the conversation at the next HCPF meeting.

Community participation

Community participation and support in the fight against crime can save lives.

On patrol in Henley with the CPF

There was a full moon over Henley that night.