Henley on Klip Community Police Forum - EMERGENCY : 081 813 3912
Meyerton CPF Constitution
Meyerton CPF Constitution as adopted by the Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum

First responders … why do they do it?
Why do they fly out halfway through dinner, green lights flashing, not knowing what they will encounter?

Chairman’s Report April 2023
We did our share in the national shutdown – next up, the Rotary Walk

Chairman’s Report March 2023
February might be a short month, but it hasn’t been dull for patrollers and members of the Henley on Klip Community Police Forum (HCPF).

Chairman’s Report January 2023
January, the first month of the new year. What a perfect time to start all over again!

Chairman’s Report December 2022
Thanks Henley – be safe this festive season.
Henley on Klip Community Police Forum Command Centre (HCC). Photo credit: Terry Jansen
By accepting the invitation and establishing a Community Policing Forum, the community declares this partnership with SAPS and other relevant role players, accepting that they are now effectively taking “charge” of their suburb / township / area / sector, to combat crime and ensure a safe environment for all. – Lt Col (Ret) Philip Malherbe
Objectives can be achieved by:
* Preventative patrols;
* Sector policing (also called neighbourhood policing);
* High-density policing – which should be :
– conducted pro-actively, vigorously and fairly;
– based on clear instructions from police commanders to patrollers;
– planned based on the outcome of crime analyses;
– focused on specific problems within any area;
– implemented based on specific frames;
– developed in collaboration with other relevant role-players;
Purpose of a patroller:
– Send a clear message to criminals that you don’t tolerate crime in your sector;
– Maintain high visibility in your sector;
– Build a reputation as a trustworthy role-player;
– Promote a favourable and trusting image amongst community and other stakeholders;
– Be a competent witness;