What do you do in an emergency?

Nobody expects to have to face an emergency, such as a fire, a home invasion or a medical emergency such as someone collapsing unexpectedly.
What do you do?
First, stay calm. If you have the Namola app on your phone, trigger it. It will alert emergency services and local first responders.
If you don’t, call your security company or trigger your panic button.
If you don’t have a security company, call the Henley Community Police Forum (HCPF) on their emergency line: 081 813 3912. They are not armed response, but the local volunteers have considerable experience with emergency situations and can call SAPS (SA Police Service), Midvaal Fire or ambulances for you.
Again, stay calm. You need to state clearly the nature of the emergency, the phone number you are calling from, the location, including street address and the nearest intersection or landmark, and relevant access information – is there a doorbell etc?
Be ready with details, such a physical description of a person who may have committed a crime, a description of any fire that may be burning, or a description of injuries or symptoms being experienced by a person having a medical emergency.
You can, of course, call for help yourself directly.
Midvaal Fire/EMS – 016 360 7500 / 016 360 5911
SAPS if required: 10111 – make sure you get a reference number.
If it’s a medical emergency, have your medical aid number handy. You can call a private ambulance, either ER24 which will come from Vereeniging – 084 124 – or Netcare 911, based in Alberton – 082 911.
If you don’t have medical aid, you need a government ambulance. Call 011 564 2000 and make sure to get a reference number. Please keep patient information confidential.
If it is too late for your patient, you still need to call an ambulance to get a death certificate. Undertakers, like AVBOB or Doves etc, will assist you. You will need the patient’s ID and insurance details (if any).
If it is a crime scene, the SAPS must be called.
The HCPF has a couple of volunteers who specialise in victim empowerment. They will be able to assist. Contact the emergency number.
Meyerton CPF Constitution
Meyerton CPF Constitution as adopted by the Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum

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