Green Lights, serving the community

Green Lights

Our ever-growing “to do list” of how “best to serve the community” at the Henley on Klip Community Police Forum is finally moving along and with the kind sponsorship and support from our community we have managed to start declaring some of our projects done and dusted.

Our braai area has been painted and we have now erected a lapa for shade. Yes, that’s right, summer braais and boerie rolls are back on the menu. None of this would have been possible without the charitable donations of Redtrac, Colin and Taryn Wright and a donation from WAM. Thank you for making our braai area a reality.

We are now well on our way to start our next projects, which are super ambitious, but we are confident that we can achieve these goals with the help of our community. These include additional CCTV points, HCC radio and UPS or solar power to combat the ongoing loadshedding from Eskom without compromising the safety of our community.

To be a thriving community-focused CPF we need to think big to prosper which can only be done with community support. Our Eyes and Ears membership has grown exponentially over the last few months, but we still need more patrollers. We all have a role to play in keeping the community aware of what is going on; Eyes and Ears are essential in alerting our neighbours of potential criminality and the patrollers and responders are the backbone of the operation. We need to stand together, especially of late with all the criminal activity in our village. Strength in numbers, start where you are, use what you have and do what you can. It’s time to unite and ignite a community.

Just as spring has set the stage for new growth, so has the HCPF – on Monday September 19 was the first (of hopefully many more to come) mass greenlight patrols organised and led by Steve Endley and TJ de Klerk. Not only was this a massive display of unity and commitment, it was supported by SAPS, peace officers and numerous other members of surrounding CPF sectors and their patrollers. Stop and search roadblocks were included in this operation. A huge thank you to all who assisted. This personified the idea of “Backup is only a Telegram away”.

It is almost that time when criminals feel the need to do their “Christmas shopping” so please be vigilant. Lock up your valuables, ensure that your alarm system is working and check backup batteries, especially with loadshedding.

On a happier and final note, a special THANK YOU, to our Change Initiative ladies who organised our Boombox fundraiser.

Steve Endley


Meyerton CPF Constitution

Meyerton CPF Constitution as adopted by the Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum

Green Lights

First responders … why do they do it?

Why do they fly out halfway through dinner, green lights flashing, not knowing what they will encounter?

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